Quick Spin: Superformance MKIII R Cobra kickstarts our hearts

It's mea culpa time. While it's probably best not to begin a review with an apology, I'd be fairly derelict in my auto bloggin' duty if I didn't admit that not only does this review represent my first time in a Cobra – ever – but that I went in wanting to love the car. After all, not only is the Cobra Daytona Coupe the single greatest car I've ever driven, but I'm what you might call a Shelby-head. At least once a week my fiancee is hollering at me to put one of my several Shelby books back in the bookcase. But still, before today, I'd never driven a Cobra.

Of course, purists will argue I still haven't. This gun metal gray beauty wasn't built on Princeton Ave. in Venice Beach. Nor was it built at Shelby America's hanger near LAX. In fact, it wasn't even built in America. No, this particular Cobra – the Superformance MKIII R, a special version of their MKIII – is built in South Africa. Recently, too. The MKIII R actually has a modern, square-tube spaceframe chassis with different hard points and suspension than you'd find underneath a classic Cobra's skin. Perhaps it's not a "real" Cobra, but here's what Carroll Shelby has to say about Superformance's efforts, "It's not a true Shelby, but I've endorsed and licensed the car for being as close to correct and well-built as possible." Good enough for me.
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